Lolz, i have no idea who that pasty faced jackoff who says "but Tails is with him, sir.", but he doesn't deserve to live. He should die soo hard >:((
Lolz, i have no idea who that pasty faced jackoff who says "but Tails is with him, sir.", but he doesn't deserve to live. He should die soo hard >:((
The park has warned you...
Seems reasonable enough why you shouldn't feed wildlife. If you do, teh wildlife will turn into crazed demonic soulfeasters that will explode upon impact and telepathically inform you that they want your soul! (The one-legged one seems to be their leader.)
Oh dear god, you've turned strawberry clock into a disgustingly thick smoothie-like refreshment to give to old people on a hot summer's day! And they're's rusty nails in it! Are you trying to piss off the volcano?
The song matches the animation in several aspects. First, it's awfully symbolic and hard to understand. Second, the tone of the song continues to transform along with the animations. Plus, they both share one common subject: Tacos. The only line of the song i could really understand was "mexican dreeeaaamlaaaawwwnd."
Only by using all 4,095 characters available for writing a review can i express just how awesome this flash is. But, i have no such time on my hands. So, i'll just make this brief descriptive shortened summary: Ahem...it's name says it all. THE END!
iPhones are shittin' expensive!
300 was a great movie, and you have made a pretty nice flash right here. So far, i'm convinced that nothing really ensues around here that often. iPhones are shittin' dick nipple rapecaster firefloxxorz expensive. Die bastard.
""""""Fun with parenthesis!""""""
This submission really made me laugh. I enjoy seeing some of our popular video game characters scoffed in such a way that it makes them seem like the most dysfunctional things we've ever seen. Like with mario jumping into toilets, Kirby always madly telling his wife to make him dinner (over and over again) and many rpg characters breaking open trashcans and eating diseased foods for health. I tell ya, I can see many people who are just too damn fanatical to respond to this type of humor. Luckily for you, I'm not one of them. 9/10 plus i give you a "W00T All My 5 R BELONG 2 THIS!!!"
No no no no- it's pure hell, Bernie! White as black, black as white, it's chaos! You can't do this to us with your sorry-ass permission slips and ulgarian ulcerisms with open arms while flatuating a goose mother! It's wrong for that matter! Go ahead, drive your zamboni to the body shop and get an iridescent paint job that symbolizes the communist vanilla ice companionship! Jack off to that, ya lucky so and so!
It could've been!
Reminds me of the time i found a giant obsidian monolith in my backyard. Bunch of homeles washowskeeds dancin' around it like Tom Cruise at a gynocologist convention.
Sounds horrible!
Building a better breadbox.
Age 32, Male
Destroying property.
North Dethro Killoversity.
Joined on 4/20/07