Several Possible Proverbs to Come From This
Though badly animated and illfully conceived (lol conceive), it was definitely worth it. Hang on... Yeah, worth it. What say you, foul wench of the west?
Several Possible Proverbs to Come From This
Though badly animated and illfully conceived (lol conceive), it was definitely worth it. Hang on... Yeah, worth it. What say you, foul wench of the west?
Realism is Not the Case Mod of this Gameboy.
I find this comment offensive and rather useless. Wait...
Of Other Things Among the Rings of Bling
These things you sing are fit for a king, and they so do cling to my mental being. The message does fling into my special mind ring, and so brings a ding of imagining what other things you will be revealing next thing, first thing. Enough things that end with "ing." On with the show.
On the Back Street of Linoleum, You Can't Decide?
I still wish there was some sort know...
Ah, nevermind. I wouldn't bother dumping garbage disposal droppings on your storming crimson deathfulty tropical flavoring added thunder. Oh, wait...I mean THUNDA.
Haha, Translations!
Saying "Fuck my brain" in Slavic sounds as if it's saying "Fuck mah mosque." That's incredibly innapropriate. You still deserve a 5, though.
Hmmm... I Think I'll Skip Part 2.
Within walking distance, get your Financialbuns! With low-pressure sludge dipping! Seen in the wild at all times! Illegal for use at weddings in large amounts! Don't bother enjoying!
Hooray, Spoilers!
You're probably wondering why I cheer for the spoilers you implanted into this work. I'm so joyful of this jingle ditty because, now, I don't have to waste 60 buckaroonies on a dead-end story-gameplay 3rd-person shooter and play it over and over again, just to beat it on another difficulty! My money is saved for the imputtingment of another game title! Fallout 3, here I come!
Yeah, where IS his wife?
Yeah, the entire story of Gears of War told in a few grunts and phrases, and the occasional psychadelic train track settlement! I want to sing along too! "Where's my WIIIIFE!?"
Bwahahaha, enjoyable. The lad has worked his amazing voodoo magic yet again.
Near-addicting music, decent animation and a good theme. The only problem was the length. I would've appreciated at least a full two minutes of brilliant animation like this. And, since the antics of said characters Calvin and Hobbes are so vast, you could base this off many more topics.
Building a better breadbox.
Age 32, Male
Destroying property.
North Dethro Killoversity.
Joined on 4/20/07