My highly liberal-set mind is burning. The days are numbered, and yet flow by like hot tap water running over a dried-cheese covered blade. This is not a free verse poem. This is not Sparta. This is not some petty fantard-created-by paragraph-like section of writing filled with all-too-cliché pop culture references. This is the writing of a young boy with a sharp tongue, a gigantic cranial cavity and a song in his heart. I hope you believe me.
Comment if you like. I don't expect it to be anything else but hatred in the form of text, but that's not just expected; it's welcome. You're welcome!
To back up my cause for a future with every species of aphid wiped off the face of the Earth, I've included this picture of a spider. No charge required.
u scrumptous sexy man u. ill comment. hey u. im comnmenting. u like that dont u? oh ya
I hate you more than anything in this damn WORLDDDDDDDDDD.